Essential Oils and Your Skin
Back to why they’re important for your skin care needs: Our skin naturally makes oils and lipids (fats), which help prevent water loss from our skin’s surface. They also keep it hydrated. The essential oils we’ve curated in EllieGlow Skin Care and Self-Tanning Products are rich and luxurious ingredients that help complement our natural oils.
The curation of the proper oils and elements is important because, as you age, you have only a few choices in combatting deep lines and wrinkles caused by moisture loss and environmental factors like sun exposure leading to sun damage. You can go the medical route and choose to plump with injectable fillers and have cosmetic surgeries, but for long-term results that are more effective and a lot less invasive, natural oils like those in EllieGlow are a fabulous and effective remedy.
Fine lines, wrinkles, and even acne can be caused by lack of water in the skin. When your skin gets dry or think it needs protection, it will quickly produce its own oils, and that’s often not healthy. For example, if you go from Florida’s summer humidity into air-conditioning for a few hours, or from a cold winter’s day into a heated room, your skin screams: “Help! You’re drying me out!”
EllieGlow’s natural essential oils have many potential benefits. But essentially, their overall purpose is to give you an extra level of protection for your skin.
The response is almost instantaneous. Your skin checks its water and oil content and if they are lacking, it jumps on the bandwagon and starts pumping out oil and transferring water from deeper cells to those near the surface. However, if it senses a protective barrier or ingredients like hyaluronic acid start grabbing moisture from the environment or from your skin, it won’t pump out its own response oils.
Bottom line: No matter if you are 20 or 80 – your skin is getting older. Aging and especially mature skin needs natural oils to seal in hydration and keep your skin’s barrier moisturized throughout the day.
Additionally, while some oils cause breakouts and acne, certain nourishing oils such as soybean oil and shea butter are rich in Omega-9 fatty acids to help smooth stubborn wrinkles, setting up a hydrating and protective barrier for your skin. They do this with absolutely no ‘greasy feeling’. In fact, you’ll notice that your skin feels ‘dewy’ and plumper.
And finally, there are actually some of the essential oils we’ve selected for EllieGlow facial products can actually help your skin produce LESS pore-clogging sebum. Some of the essential oils in EllieGlow Skin Care contain ingredients that can prohibit acne-causing bacteria and help dead skin cells shed from the surface of your skin, too. We’ve specially tailored them to work with your natural oils to help keep your skin balanced. They include a range of potent ingredients, so the potential benefits are endless.
Moisturizing and Hydrating Ingredients
Anybody can experience dehydrated skin. Water and moisture get sucked out of your skin for many reasons: Medicines you are taking can cause dehydration. When you sweat you lose moisture. A dry environment can wick moisture from the depths of your skin, leaving you parched. Not replenishing the water volume you need (by drinking enough) can do the same. Things you eat and drink can cause dehydration, too. Caffeine, high fiber foods, ‘spongy’ foods – these can restrict blood flow and/or sap water reserves. It’s a very common state to need additional moisture throughout your body. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the look and feel of your skin. Looking parched isn’t uncommon!
Your skin getting dehydrated can happen even if you have oily skin. Think of oily skin as skin in a stressed, hyperactive, or unhealthy state. Often, oily skin is actually dehydrated skin which lacks water (moisture). The skin’s reaction is to overcompensate for lack of water by producing too much oil. Dry skin, on the other hand, also lacks water but is not able to produce enough natural oil. To avoid fine lines caused by dehydrated skin, the best formulations include powerful hydrating ingredients. In EllieGlow products, some of these are Royal Jelly, Hyaluronic Acid, dimethicone, glycerin, propylene glycol, lanolin, various proteins, and urea also help attract water to your skin and lock in moisture.
Exfoliating Elements
An exfoliator removes dead skin cells that clog pores and make skin dull. Frequent use of an exfoliator promotes circulation and maintains a younger skin texture. Even if you’re lucky enough to have relatively problem-free skin, you still need to exfoliate regularly. You can use either a scrub or an enzyme-based exfoliator. The ingredients in these are very different. Learn More About the Benefits of Exfoliation